Sonia Rykiel
After the research of the usage of color by the designer, We have analysis the color they have use, so we can have a further prediction.
We have base on the 9 theories.
Aromatic ,Analogical, Analogical and complimentary, complementary , Double complimentary , monochromatic, Split complementary and Triadic Color Scheme
The Charts are shown on before......
We also mention the common practice of the designer that she always match between achromatic and little monochromatic color.
The research base is from The style .com picture in Sonia Rykiel every year fashion show photographs.
We have separate F/W and S/S for each year and so the comparison can be made
The Spring one is in Natalie's blog
First for F/W, We can see the charts, Most frequency color present here is Achromatic
Obviously, The designer like to use achromatic scheme on her design
Black is the most often Hue
The pattern of Sonia using achromatic/monochromatic scheme is similar for many years...
the chart shows that....very similar pattern from 2003 to 2006
However, we can see in this year2008 F/W collection,
And the pie of achromatic one is smaller and small
more small pies exists in this year
Because of Sonia Rykiel's daughter entry?
Younger image is given
Of course.........↑ new color schemes use=↑ new design
Similarly, 2nd is the monochromatic scheme
hue of orange, Blue and yellow shown in monochromatic way
in high value high intensity dominant instead
Sonia sign....Sonia rainbow....always suddenly exist among the aromatic design collection
because this phenomenon can be found from many year
if it is a common practice
it can also be said to quite consistency
no matter chromatic or achromatic
on outfit always one hue dominant.
That’s mean this designer focus on the theory of the proportion of color usage
different color combination like split complimentary
Double Complimentary Color scheme is rare to see
In these 2 years, more color theories are applied on design.
In last year F/W collection, many color scheme haven’t used by Sonia rykiel before suddenly present
Such as Complimentary scheme and analogic color scheme
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